Can my job give me PTSD?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 protects people with PTSD from discrimination in the workplace. PTSD is considered a disability under the ADA, which means your employer cannot discriminate against you because of your diagnosis.
An employer may need to make reasonable accommodations for an employee with PTSD. This may include allowing them to take breaks during the day or work from home on days when they’re feeling particularly symptomatic.
If you develop PTSD while working, the next step depends on several factors. If your career choice causes it, dealing with this can be challenging but still possible to manage through treatment options available for different kinds of professionals, including police officers and first responders who experience traumatic events at work regularly, which may lead them to develop post- Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
But just like these people do in their respective careers; many other folks also have successful existences despite facing similar challenges due not only from recurring frightening situations experienced during jobsites or even before starting one.
If a traumatic event happens while you’re at work and working, resulting PTSD may qualify you for benefits like worker’s compensation. But there is a catch. The rules surrounding workers comp claims separate mental health-related injuries into mental-mental and physical-mental claims.
Mental-mental claims involve mental health problems that are caused by mental strain. Physical mental claims involve mental health problems caused by physical injuries or trauma. Unfortunately, mental-mental claims are more difficult to prove than physical-mental claims. Both physical and mental trauma can cause PTSD.
A firefighter may develop PTSD after witnessing death, even if they didn’t experience any personal injury or danger. In many cases, you may be compared to coworkers with the same duties, even though two people can experience the same trauma while only one develops PTSD.
Still, it’s not impossible to show that PTSD was caused at work. In many cases, the cause is apparent. An accident, assault, or harassment can be an event that is outside of the purview of your normal work duties that leads to PTSD in a way that’s easier to prove. However, more subtle causes like a period of increased stress may be difficult to prove.
Managing a work schedule can be difficult when you are dealing with symptoms of PTSD. You may find yourself overwhelmed and needing to attend treatment, but this is what’s best for your mental health!
The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is designed to help people that need to take time off of work because of a medical need or emergency in their family. A mental health issue like an anxiety attack or a PTSD episode can qualify as a health condition under the FMLA, which could qualify you for a leave of absence.
If you think you might have PTSD, it’s essential to seek help from a mental health professional. PTSD can be treated, and there is no shame in seeking help. Many people with PTSD go on to lead happy and successful lives. With treatment, you can too.
Remember, you are not alone. There is help available, and treatment can make a big difference in your life. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. It could save a life.
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